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Ambassador Competition

Friday September 27 | Byron Martin Emporium


Senior Ambassadors:

17 - 23 year-olds

Must be a resident of the district for 6+ months to apply

The program includes:

  • A private interview with judges

  • A short prepared speech (approximately 3-5 minutes) introducing yourself - tell us about who you are, your interests, future plans + how you connect to the fair and community

  • A Question & Answer period on stage (list of questions will be provided prior to the competition)


Junior & Mini Ambassadors

Junior Ambassadors:

12 - 16 year-olds

Participants will be interviewed by a panel about their community involvement + deliver a short prepared speech (1 - 2 minutes) on “What their favourite Fair memory is”.

Mini Ambassadors: 

9 - 11 year-olds

Participants will be asked their name, age and to share “What I love most about the Fair”.

It's your chance!

Build skills, have fun + get involved!

The reigning ambassador will be have the opportunity to:

• Represent their community

• Actively participate in local events

• Interact with members of the Agricultural Society and community

• Network and make new friends

• Practice leadership skills for future education and work experiences

• Celebrate agriculture in our community + country

• Participate in the CNE Ambassador of the Fairs competition (Senior Ambassadors only)

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Register for the Program

To register, contact: (705) 308-8496,


or register online below:

Thanks for submitting!


Tel. 705-887-2075

During Fair. 705-738-3445

47 Mansfield Street, 
Bobcaygeon, ON K0M1A0

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THURS. Sept 26 | 2 - 9pm

FRI. Sept 27 | 8am - 9pm

SAT. Sept 38 | 8am - 4pm


TUES. Sept 24 | 9am - 5pm

WED. Sept 25 | 9am - 7pm

THURS. Sept 26 | 8am - 10pm

FRI. Sept 27 | 8am - 10pm

SAT. Sept 28 | 8am - 5pm


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